Christopher M. Bailey

2007 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
"Christopher Bailey"
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Peter Arnett grad student 2007 Penn State
 (Premorbid measures and sports -related mild traumatic brain injury: Appropriateness and accuracy.)
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Echemendia RJ, Ahmed OH, Bailey CM, et al. (2023) Introducing the Concussion Recognition Tool 6 (CRT6). British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57: 689-691
Echemendia RJ, Burma JS, Bruce JM, et al. (2023) Acute evaluation of sport-related concussion and implications for the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT6) for adults, adolescents and children: a systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57: 722-735
Echemendia RJ, Ahmed OH, Bailey CM, et al. (2023) The Concussion Recognition Tool 6 (CRT6). British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57: 692-694
D'Alessio A, Atwell MS, Koroukian S, et al. (2023) Experiences of Adversity and Validity of Baseline Concussion Testing. Journal of Athletic Training
Bailey C, Meyer J, Tangen C, et al. (2020) A-03 SCAT5 Cognitive Screening Normative Data and Reliable Change Indices Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 35: 599-599
Ott SD, Bailey CM, Broshek DK. (2017) An Interdisciplinary Approach to Sports Concussion Evaluation and Management: The Role of a Neuropsychologist. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists
Vincent AS, Bailey CM, Cowan C, et al. (2016) Normative data for evaluating mild traumatic brain injury with a handheld neurocognitive assessment tool. Applied Neuropsychology. Adult. 1-11
Miller JP, Sweet JA, Bailey CM, et al. (2015) Visual-spatial memory may be enhanced with theta burst deep brain stimulation of the fornix: a preliminary investigation with four cases. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 138: 1833-42
Marcopulos BA, Caillouet BA, Bailey CM, et al. (2014) Clinical decision making in response to performance validity test failure in a psychiatric setting. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 28: 633-52
Echemendia RJ, Bruce JM, Bailey CM, et al. (2012) The utility of post-concussion neuropsychological data in identifying cognitive change following sports-related MTBI in the absence of baseline data. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 26: 1077-91
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