Sarah D. Pressman

University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Health Psychology, Positive Emotions, Social Relationships, Psychophysiology, PNI
"Sarah Pressman"
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Sheldon Cohen grad student
Karen A. Matthews post-doc (Epi Tree)


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Emily D. Hooker research assistant (PsychTree)
Marie Cross grad student
Desiree R Delgadillo grad student
John Hunter grad student Chapman University
Brooke N Jenkins grad student UC Irvine
Tara L. Kraft-Feil grad student (PsychTree)
Jazlyn H Luu grad student
Logan T. Martin grad student (PsychTree)
Veronica Ramirez grad student UC Irvine
Elaine Tannouz grad student 2022- UC Irvine
Amanda M Acevedo grad student 2013-2019 UC Irvine
Kennedy M Blevins grad student 2018-2024 UC Irvine
Cameron R. Wiley grad student 2019-2024 UC Irvine
Vida Pourmand grad student 2021-2026 UC Irvine (PsychTree)
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Toohey S, Wray A, Hunter J, et al. (2023) Authors' Response to the Validity of Cortisol and Galvanic Skin Responses for Measuring Student Stress During Training. Jmir Medical Education. 9: e50902
Kraft-Feil TL, Ingram RE, Gorey C, et al. (2023) The association of negative mood with automatic and effortful facial expression mimicry. Frontiers in Psychology. 14: 1056535
Coles NA, March DS, Marmolejo-Ramos F, et al. (2022) A multi-lab test of the facial feedback hypothesis by the Many Smiles Collaboration. Nature Human Behaviour
Wiley CR, Blevins KM, Cohen S, et al. (2022) Do Positive Psychological Factors Equally Predict Resistance to Upper Respiratory Infections in African and European Americans? Psychological Science. 9567976221083322
Toohey S, Wray A, Hunter J, et al. (2022) Comparing the Psychological Effects of Manikin-Based and Augmented Reality-Based Simulation Training: Within-Subjects Crossover Study. Jmir Medical Education. 8: e36447
Delgadillo D, Pressman SD, Christian LM, et al. (2022) Associations Between Gut Microbes and Social Behavior in Healthy 2-Year-Old Children. Psychosomatic Medicine
Cross MP, Acevedo AM, Leger KA, et al. (2022) How and why could smiling influence physical health? A conceptual review. Health Psychology Review. 1-23
Pressman SD, Acevedo AM, Hammond KV, et al. (2021) Smile (or grimace) through the pain? The effects of experimentally manipulated facial expressions on needle-injection responses. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 21: 1188-1203
Jenkins BN, Cross MP, Donaldson CD, et al. (2021) The subcomponents of affect scale (SAS): validating a widely used affect scale. Psychology & Health. 1-19
Delgadillo D, Boparai S, Pressman SD, et al. (2021) Maternal expressions of positive emotion for children predicts children's respiratory sinus arrhythmia surrounding stress. Developmental Psychobiology
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