Ibrahim Kays

Neuroscience McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Down Syndrome
"Ibrahim Kays"
Mean distance: 15.55 (cluster 6)
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Lo CA, Kays I, Emran F, et al. (2019) Quantification of Protein Levels in Single Living Cells. Cell Reports. 26: 3172
Bagheri H, Friedman H, Shao H, et al. (2018) TIE: A Method to Electroporate Long DNA Templates into Preimplantation Embryos for CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing. The Crispr Journal. 1: 223-229
Kays I, Chen BE. (2018) Protein and RNA quantification of multiple genes in single cells. Biotechniques
Lo CA, Kays I, Emran F, et al. (2015) Quantification of Protein Levels in Single Living Cells. Cell Reports
Kays I, Cvetkovska V, Chen BE. (2014) Structural and functional analysis of single neurons to correlate synaptic connectivity with grooming behavior. Nature Protocols. 9: 1-10
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