Alvaro Luna

CINVESTAV, Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico 
Signal Processing, Neuroengineering
"Alvaro Luna"
Mean distance: 16.1 (cluster 37)


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David Elias grad student 2011- CINVESTAV
Ranier Gutierrez grad student 2012- CINVESTAV
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Prado L, Luis-Islas J, Sandoval OI, et al. (2016) Activation of Glutamatergic Fibers in the Anterior NAc Shell Modulates Reward Activity in the aNAcSh, the Lateral Hypothalamus, and Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Transiently Stops Feeding. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 12511-12529
Kalyanasundar B, Perez CI, Luna A, et al. (2015) D1 and D2 antagonists reverse the effects of appetite suppressants on weight loss, food intake, locomotion, and rebalance spiking inhibition in the rat NAc shell. Journal of Neurophysiology. 114: 585-607
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