Ritu Gupta

2012-2013 Psychology Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States 
"Ritu Gupta"
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Banerjee P, Gupta R. (2019) Talent Attraction through Online Recruitment Websites: Application of Web 2.0 Technologies Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 23
Eissa G, Lester SW, Gupta R. (2019) Interpersonal Deviance and Abusive Supervision: The Mediating Role of Supervisor Negative Emotions and the Moderating Role of Subordinate Organizational Citizenship Behavior Journal of Business Ethics. 1-18
Gaur J, Gupta R, Banerjee P, et al. (2019) Influence of cultural divergence on consumers' perception towards reconstructed products: A qualitative enquiry International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 24
Deshpande A, Gupta R. (2018) Antecedents of New Recruit’s Adjustment: An Empirical Study on Indian IT Industry Journal of Knowledge Management. 14: 1-12
Hans S, Gupta R. (2018) Job characteristics affect shared leadership: The moderating effect of psychological safety and perceived self-efficacy Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 39: 730-744
Gupta R, Hershey DA. (2017) Time perspective as an antecedent of trust in a manager and its impact on employee attitudes Time & Society. 28: 124-152
Gupta R, Hershey DA. (2016) Cross-National Differences in Goals for Retirement: the Case of India and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
Gupta R, Banerjee P. (2016) Antecedents of organisational creativity: a multi-level approach Verslas: Teorija Ir Praktika. 17: 167-177
Gupta M, Acharya A, Gupta R. (2015) Impact of work engagement on performance in indian higher education system Review of European Studies. 7: 192-201
Gaur J, Amini M, Banerjee P, et al. (2015) Drivers of consumer purchase intentions for remanufactured products Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. 18: 30-47
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