Siby Samuel

2014 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
"Siby Samuel"
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Fisher DL, Agrawal R, Divekar G, et al. (2024) Novice driver crashes: The relation between putative causal factors, countermeasures, real world implementations, and policy - A case study in simple, scalable solutions. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 198: 107397
Glassman J, Yahoodik S, Samuel S, et al. (2022) Booster Dose of Attention Training Program for Young Novice Drivers: A Longitudinal Driving Simulator Evaluation Study. Human Factors. 187208221109993
Zafian T, Ryan A, Agrawal R, et al. (2021) Using SHRP2 NDS data to examine infrastructure and other factors contributing to older driver crashes during left turns at signalized intersections. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 156: 106141
Ebadi Y, Pai G, Samuel S, et al. (2020) Impact of Cognitive Distractions on Drivers’ Hazardous Event Anticipation and Mitigation Behavior in Vehicle–Bicycle Conflict Situations Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2674: 504-513
Krishnan A, Samuel S, Yamani Y, et al. (2019) Effectiveness of a strategic hazard anticipation training intervention in high risk scenarios Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 67: 43-56
Park H, Haghani A, Samuel S, et al. (2018) Real-time prediction and avoidance of secondary crashes under unexpected traffic congestion. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 112: 39-49
Hajiseyedjavadi F, Zhang T, Agrawal R, et al. (2017) Effectiveness of visual warnings on young drivers hazard anticipation and hazard mitigation abilities. Accident; Analysis and Prevention
Wright TJ, Agrawal R, Samuel S, et al. (2017) Effective cues for accelerating young drivers' time to transfer control following a period of conditional automation. Accident; Analysis and Prevention
Fitzpatrick CD, Samuel S, Knodler MA. (2017) The use of a driving simulator to determine how time pressures impact driver aggressiveness. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 108: 131-138
Samuel S, Yamani Y, Fisher DL. (2016) Large reductions are possible in older driver crashes at intersections. Clinical & Experimental Optometry
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