Megan J. Metzler

2009-2010 Neuroscience University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada 
"Megan Metzler"
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Gerlinde A.S. Metz grad student 2009-2010 University of Lethbridge
 (Ferguson Memorial Scholarship)
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Metzler MJ, Saucier DM, Metz GA. (2013) Enriched childhood experiences moderate age-related motor and cognitive decline. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 7: 1
Metzler MJ, Metz GA. (2010) Translating knowledge to practice: an occupational therapy perspective. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 57: 373-9
Metzler MJ, Metz GA. (2010) Analyzing the barriers and supports of knowledge translation using the PEO model. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. Revue Canadienne D'Ergothã©Rapie. 77: 151-8
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