Susan M. Banks, Ph.D.

Department of Biology Florida Southern College 
synapses, synuclein
"Susan Banks"
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Victoria Lynn Corbin research assistant (FlyTree)
 (Undergraduate research)
Janice A. Fischer grad student UT Austin (FlyTree)
Jennifer R. Morgan post-doc Marine Biological Laboratory
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Fogerson SM, van Brummen AJ, Busch DJ, et al. (2016) Reducing synuclein accumulation improves neuronal survival after spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology
Busch DJ, Oliphint PA, Walsh RB, et al. (2014) Acute increase of α-synuclein inhibits synaptic vesicle recycling evoked during intense stimulation. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 25: 3926-41
Banks SM, Cho B, Eun SH, et al. (2011) The functions of auxilin and Rab11 in Drosophila suggest that the fundamental role of ligand endocytosis in notch signaling cells is not recycling. Plos One. 6: e18259
Eun SH, Banks SM, Fischer JA. (2008) Auxilin is essential for Delta signaling. Development (Cambridge, England). 135: 1089-95
Kracklauer MP, Banks SM, Xie X, et al. (2007) Drosophila klaroid encodes a SUN domain protein required for Klarsicht localization to the nuclear envelope and nuclear migration in the eye. Fly. 1: 75-85
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