Khushbu Patel, MA, BSc

2012-2016 Psychology York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
 2016- Psychology York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
"Khushbu Patel"
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Patel KY, Wilcox LM, Maloney LT, et al. (2024) Lightness constancy in reality, in virtual reality, and on flat-panel displays. Behavior Research Methods
Murray RF, Patel KY, Wiedenmann ES. (2022) Luminance calibration of virtual reality displays in Unity. Journal of Vision. 22: 1
Patel KY, Munasinghe AP, Murray RF. (2018) Lightness matching and perceptual similarity. Journal of Vision. 18: 1
Patel K, Murray R. (2018) Illumination Colour, Texture, and the Appearance of Glow Journal of Vision. 18: 220
Patel K, Palatnic L, Murray R. (2017) Why do LCD screens appear to glow? Journal of Vision. 17: 662
Murray RF, Patel K, Yee A. (2015) Posterior Probability Matching and Human Perceptual Decision Making. Plos Computational Biology. 11: e1004342
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