Augusto Fernandez-Guardiola

Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatria, Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico 
"Augusto Fernandez-Guardiola"
Mean distance: 17.16 (cluster 19)
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Martínez A, López-Ruiz E, Vega-Flores G, et al. (2004) Effect of vagus nerve stimulation on focal amygdaline epilepsy in rat | Efecto de la estimulación del nervio vago sobre la epilepsia focal amigdalina en la rata Salud Mental. 27: 62-72
Magdaleno-Madrigal VM, Valdés-Cruz A, Martínez-Vargas D, et al. (2002) Effect of electrical stimulation of the nucleus of the solitary tract on the development of electrical amygdaloid kindling in the cat. Epilepsia. 43: 964-9
Valdés-Cruz A, Magdaleno-Madrigal VM, Martínez-Vargas D, et al. (2002) Chronic stimulation of the cat vagus nerve: effect on sleep and behavior. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 26: 113-8
Fernández-Guardiola A, Martínez A, Valdés-Cruz A, et al. (1999) Vagus nerve prolonged stimulation in cats: effects on epileptogenesis (amygdala electrical kindling): behavioral and electrographic changes. Epilepsia. 40: 822-9
Fernandez-Mas R, Valdes A, Martinez A, et al. (1998) Graphic visualization of the transition of sleep phases in humans: Methods of tridimensional representation | Visualizacion grafica de las transiciones de las fases del sueno en el hombre: Metodos de representacion tridimensional Salud Mental. 21: 27-32
Valdés-Cruz A, Magdaleno-Madrigal VM, Martinez-Cervantes A, et al. (1997) Temporal distribution of the sleep-wake cycle phases in the cat: 23 hrs register in light-darkness and darkness-light conditions | Distribucion temporal de las fases del ciclo sueno-vigilia en el gato: Registros de 23 horas en condiciones de luz-oscuridad y oscuridad-luz Salud Mental. 20: 32-39
Martinez-Cervantes A, Fernández-Mas R, Fernández-Guardiola A. (1997) Effect of repeated penicillin microinjections in rafe's dorsal nucleus on sleep organization during 23 hs. register in the cat | Efecto de las microinyecciones de penicilina repetidas en el nucleo dorsal del rafe, sobre la organizacion del sueno del gato durante los registros de 23 horas Salud Mental. 20: 23-31
Muñoz-Delgado J, Luna-Villegas G, Mondragón-CeballoS R, et al. (1995) Behavioral characterization of sleep in stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides) in exterior captivity by means of high-sensitivity videorecording. American Journal of Primatology. 36: 245-249
Fernández-Guardiola A, Martínez A, Fernández-Mas R. (1995) Repeated penicillin-induced amygdala epileptic focus in freely moving cats. EEG, polysomnographic (23-h recording), and brain mapping study. Epilepsy Research. 22: 127-36
Fernández-Mas R, Martínez A, Gutiérrez R, et al. (1992) EEG frequency and time domain mapping study of the cortical projections of temporal lobe amygdala afterdischarge during kindling in the cat. Epilepsy Research. 13: 23-34
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