Tim V. Salomons, Ph.D.

Psychology Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada 
"Tim Salomons"
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Joel Katz research assistant Toronto General Hospital
Richard J. Davidson grad student 2002-2009 UW Madison
 (Examining the neural bases by which perceived controllability modulates the neural and affective response to pain.)
Karen D. Davis post-doc Queens University
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Bosma R, Mustafa N, Burke E, et al. (2024) Actively Waiting: Feasibility and Acceptability of a Virtual Self-Management Program Designed to Empower People With Chronic Pain Waiting for Interprofessional Care. Pain Management Nursing : Official Journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses
Gilron I, DeBow C, Elkerdawy H, et al. (2024) PRECISE trial (Pain RElief Combination Intervention StratEgies): protocol for the clinical trial of a pregabalin-melatonin combination for fibromyalgia. Bmj Open. 14: e087180
Pavlova M, Beveridge JK, Soltani S, et al. (2024) The Sensitivity to Pain Traumatization Scale-Child Version (SPTS-C): Development and preliminary validation. Canadian Journal of Pain = Revue Canadienne De La Douleur. 8: 2298769
Kirupaharan S, Milev R, Bressee J, et al. (2024) Changes in pain following bilateral intermittent theta-burst, transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression: A retrospective chart review. Canadian Journal of Pain = Revue Canadienne De La Douleur. 8: 2300026
Salomons TV, Moayedi M. (2023) How should we measure the relationship between pain and interoception? Pain. 165: 254-255
Montag LT, Bisson EJ, Duggan S, et al. (2023) Patient Expectations and Therapeutic Alliance Affect Pain Reduction following Lidocaine Infusion in an Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Clinic. The Journal of Pain
Wang S, Kennedy SH, Salomons TV, et al. (2023) Resting-state neural mechanisms of capability for suicide and their interaction with pain - A CAN-BIND-05 Study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 330: 139-147
Montag LT, Salomons TV, Wilson R, et al. (2023) Examining the roles of depression, pain catastrophizing, and self-efficacy in quality of life changes following chronic pain treatment. Canadian Journal of Pain = Revue Canadienne De La Douleur. 7: 2156330
Bosma R, Bisson EJ, Cooper LK, et al. (2023) Experience-based design: Empowering individuals while they wait for interprofessional chronic pain care. Patient Education and Counseling. 109: 107623
Adams GR, Gandhi W, Harrison R, et al. (2022) Do "Central Sensitisation" Questionnaires Reflect Measures of Nociceptive Sensitisation or Psychological Constructs? a Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses. Pain
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