Ian Ellwood

2010-2017 Psychiatry University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
 2018- Neurobiology and Behavior Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
"Ian Ellwood"
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Washington Taylor grad student 1999-2004 MIT (Physics Tree)
 (String field theory)
Vikaas Singh Sohal post-doc 2010- UCSF
Akikazu Hashimoto post-doc 2004-2007 UW Madison (Physics Tree)
 (String field theory)
Sumit R. Das post-doc 2007-2009 University of Kentucky (Physics Tree)
 (String field theory)
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Lee AT, Cunniff MM, See JZ, et al. (2019) VIP Interneurons Contribute to Avoidance Behavior by Regulating Information Flow across Hippocampal-Prefrontal Networks. Neuron
Ellwood IT, Patel T, Wadia V, et al. (2017) Tonic or phasic stimulation of dopaminergic projections to prefrontal cortex causes mice to maintain or deviate from previously learned behavioral strategies. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Gee S, Ellwood I, Patel T, et al. (2012) Synaptic activity unmasks dopamine D2 receptor modulation of a specific class of layer V pyramidal neurons in prefrontal cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 4959-71
Ellwood I. (2008) The closed string tadpole in open string field theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2008: 063-063
Ellwood I, Schnabl M. (2007) Proof of vanishing cohomology at the tachyon vacuum Journal of High Energy Physics. 2007: 096-096
Ellwood I, Hashimoto A. (2006) Effective descriptions of branes on non-geometric tori Journal of High Energy Physics. 2006: 025-025
Ellwood I, Hashimoto A. (2006) Open/closed duality for FZZT branes inc= 1 Journal of High Energy Physics. 2006: 002-002
Ellwood I, Shelton J, Taylor W. (2003) Tadpoles and closed string backgrounds in open string field theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2003: 059-059
Ellwood I, Taylor W. (2001) Open string field theory without open strings Physics Letters B. 512: 181-188
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