Tina Gruene

Psychology Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States 
"Tina Gruene"
Mean distance: 14.97 (cluster 19)
Cross-listing: PsychTree

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Baratta MV, Gruene TM, Dolzani SD, et al. (2019) Controllable stress elicits circuit-specific patterns of prefrontal plasticity in males, but not females. Brain Structure & Function
Gruene T, Flick K, Rendall S, et al. (2016) Activity-dependent structural plasticity after aversive experiences in amygdala and auditory cortex pyramidal neurons. Neuroscience
Gruene TM, Flick K, Stefano A, et al. (2015) Sexually divergent expression of active and passive conditioned fear responses in rats. Elife. 4
Farrell MR, Gruene TM, Shansky RM. (2015) The influence of stress and gonadal hormones on neuronal structure and function. Hormones and Behavior
Gruene TM, Roberts E, Thomas V, et al. (2015) Sex-Specific Neuroanatomical Correlates of Fear Expression in Prefrontal-Amygdala Circuits. Biological Psychiatry. 78: 186-93
Gruene TM, Lipps J, Rey CD, et al. (2014) Heat exposure in female rats elicits abnormal fear expression and cellular changes in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 115: 38-42
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