Arnaud Tanti

McGill University Douglas Mental Health University Institute 
"Arnaud Tanti"
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Belliveau C, Mechawar N, Tanti A. (2022) Reply to: "NG2-glia: rising stars in stress-related mental disorders?". Molecular Psychiatry
Tanti A, Belliveau C, Nagy C, et al. (2021) Child abuse associates with increased recruitment of perineuronal nets in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex: a possible implication of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. Molecular Psychiatry
Perlman K, Chouinard-Watkins R, Tanti A, et al. (2021) Fatty acid dysregulation in the anterior cingulate cortex of depressed suicides with a history of child abuse. Translational Psychiatry. 11: 535
Perlman G, Tanti A, Mechawar N. (2021) Parvalbumin interneuron alterations in stress-related mood disorders: A systematic review. Neurobiology of Stress. 15: 100380
O'Leary LA, Belliveau C, Davoli MA, et al. (2021) Widespread Decrease of Cerebral Vimentin-Immunoreactive Astrocytes in Depressed Suicides. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12: 640963
O'Leary LA, Davoli MA, Belliveau C, et al. (2020) Characterization of Vimentin-Immunoreactive Astrocytes in the Human Brain. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 14: 31
Nagy C, Maitra M, Tanti A, et al. (2020) Single-nucleus transcriptomics of the prefrontal cortex in major depressive disorder implicates oligodendrocyte precursor cells and excitatory neurons. Nature Neuroscience
Perlman K, Couturier CP, Yaqubi M, et al. (2020) Developmental trajectory of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in the human brain revealed by single cell RNA sequencing. Glia
Tanti A, Nagy C, Maitra M, et al. (2020) A Post-Mortem Investigation of Perivascular Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells in the Prefrontal Cortex of Major Depressed Patients Biological Psychiatry. 87: S91
Nagy C, Maitra M, Tanti A, et al. (2020) Single-Cell Genomic Strategies to Understand Psychopathological Processes in Depression and Suicide Biological Psychiatry. 87: S43
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