Taufik A Valiante, Ph.D, M.D

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Taufik Valiante"
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Shah PT, Valiante TA, Packer AM. (2024) Highly local activation of inhibition at the seizure wavefront in vivo. Cell Reports. 43: 114189
Yang Z, Koerner J, O'Leary G, et al. (2023) Hardware-Efficient 1D CNN for Patient-Specific Early Seizure Detection. Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference. 2023: 1-4
Chameh HM, Falby M, Movahed M, et al. (2023) Distinctive biophysical features of human cell-types: insights from studies of neurosurgically resected brain tissue. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience. 15: 1250834
Inibhunu H, Moradi Chameh H, Skinner FK, et al. (2023) Hyperpolarization-activated cation channels shape the spiking frequency preference of human cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Eneuro
Wu Q, Zhang P, O'Leary G, et al. (2023) Flexible 3D printed microwires and 3D microelectrodes for heart-on-a-chip engineering. Biofabrication
Rich S, Moradi Chameh H, Lefebvre J, et al. (2022) Loss of neuronal heterogeneity in epileptogenic human tissue impairs network resilience to sudden changes in synchrony. Cell Reports. 41: 111550
Rich S, Moradi Chameh H, Lefebvre J, et al. (2022) Loss of neuronal heterogeneity in epileptogenic human tissue impairs network resilience to sudden changes in synchrony. Cell Reports. 39: 110863
Moradi Chameh H, Rich S, Wang L, et al. (2022) Author Correction: Diversity amongst human cortical pyramidal neurons revealed via their sag currents and frequency preferences. Nature Communications. 13: 1689
Yao HK, Guet-McCreight A, Mazza F, et al. (2022) Reduced inhibition in depression impairs stimulus processing in human cortical microcircuits. Cell Reports. 38: 110232
Rich S, Moradi Chameh H, Rafiee M, et al. (2021) Corrigendum: Inhibitory Network Bistability Explains Increased Interneuronal Activity Prior to Seizure Onset. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 15: 727442
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