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Watkins CD, Xiao D, Perrett DI. (2019) Social Transmission of Leadership Preference: Knowledge of Group Membership and Partisan Media Reporting Moderates Perceptions of Leadership Ability From Facial Cues to Competence and Dominance. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 2996
Borras-Guevara ML, Batres C, Perrett DI. (2019) Fear of Violence among Colombian Women Is Associated with Reduced Preferences for High-BMI Men. Human Nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.)
Batres C, Perrett DI. (2019) Pathogen disgust sensitivity changes according to the perceived harshness of the environment. Cognition & Emotion. 1-7
Carrito ML, Bem-Haja P, Silva CF, et al. (2018) Event-related potentials modulated by the perception of sexual dimorphism: The influence of attractiveness and sex of faces. Biological Psychology
Borras-Guevara ML, Batres C, Perrett DI. (2017) Domestic violence shapes Colombian women's partner choices. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 71: 175
Stephen ID, Hiew V, Coetzee V, et al. (2017) Facial Shape Analysis Identifies Valid Cues to Aspects of Physiological Health in Caucasian, Asian, and African Populations. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 1883
Batres C, Kannan M, Perrett DI. (2017) Familiarity with Own Population's Appearance Influences Facial Preferences. Human Nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.)
Watkins CD, Nicholls MJ, Batres C, et al. (2017) Own attractiveness and perceived relationship quality shape sensitivity in women's memory for other men on the attractiveness dimension. Cognition. 163: 146-154
Thorstenson CA, Pazda AD, Elliot AJ, et al. (2017) Facial Redness Increases Men's Perceived Healthiness and Attractiveness. Perception. 46: 650-664
Batres C, Perrett DI. (2016) Correction: The Influence of the Digital Divide on Face Preferences in El Salvador: People without Internet Access Prefer More Feminine Men, More Masculine Women, and Women with Higher Adiposity. Plos One. 11: e0155279
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