Han Lun Yap
Affiliations: | 2009-2013 | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA |
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Eftekhari A, Yap HL, Wakin MB, et al. (2018) Stabilizing embedology: Geometry-preserving delay-coordinate maps. Physical Review. E. 97: 022222 |
Charles AS, Yap HL, Rozell CJ. (2014) Short-term memory capacity in networks via the restricted isometry property. Neural Computation. 26: 1198-235 |
Eftekhari A, Yap HL, Rozell CJ, et al. (2014) The restricted isometry property for random block diagonal matrices Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 38: 1-31 |
Yap HL, Wakin MB, Rozell CJ. (2013) Stable manifold embeddings with structured random matrices Ieee Journal On Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 7: 720-730 |
Park JY, Yap HL, Rozell CJ, et al. (2011) Concentration of measure for block diagonal matrices with applications to compressive signal processing Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 59: 5859-5875 |
Yap HL, Rozell CJ. (2011) Stable takens' embeddings for linear dynamical systems Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 59: 4781-4794 |