Azmat Rasul
Affiliations: | Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States |
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Rasul A, Proffitt JM. (2017) Promoting patriotism through mediated sports: Political economy of Bollywood sports movies The Communication Review. 20: 225-245 |
Rasul A, Robinson BC, McDowell SD. (2016) The Taliban factor: conflict in Afghanistan and elite South Asian newspapers† Journal of International Communication. 22: 273-292 |
Rasul A, Raney AA. (2015) Learning through entertainment: The effects of Bollywood movies on the job-seeking behavior of South Asian female International Communication Gazette. 78: 267-287 |
Rasul A. (2015) Violently Entertained: A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Mediated Violence on Enjoyment: Journal of Creative Communications. 10: 1-20 |
Rasul A, Proffitt JM. (2013) Diversity or homogeny: concentration of ownership and media diversity in Pakistan Asian Journal of Communication. 23: 590-604 |
Rasul A, Proffitt JM. (2012) An Irresistible Market: A Critical Analysis of Hollywood–Bollywood Coproductions Communication, Culture & Critique. 5: 563-583 |
Rasul A, Proffitt JM. (2011) Bollywood and the Indian Premier League (IPL): the political economy of Bollywood's new blockbuster Asian Journal of Communication. 21: 373-388 |