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Arthur B. Lamb grad student 1941 Harvard
 (A study of carbonato pentamines of cobalt.)
James William McBain research scientist 1942-1945 Stanford


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Irving Fatt grad student 1955 USC (Physics Tree)
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Jones MN, Mysels KJ, Scholten PC. (1966) Stability and some properties of the second black film Transactions of the Faraday Society. 62: 1336-1348
Lyklema J, Scholten PC, Mysels KJ. (1965) Flow in Thin Liquid Films The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 69: 116-123
MYSELS KJ, McBAIN JW. (1948) Conductivity at the interface between pyrex glass and solutions of potassium chloride. Journal of Colloid Science. 3: 45-51
MYSELS KJ, McBAIN JW. (1948) Variability and inhomogeneity of aluminum dilaurate. The Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry. 52: 1471-81
McBain JW, Mysels KJ, Smith GH. (1946) Studies of aluminium soaps. VII. Aluminium soaps in hydrocarbons. The gels and jellies and transformations between them Transactions of the Faraday Society. 42: B173-B180
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