Benjamin J. Griffiths

2016- University of Birmingham, UK, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom 
"Benjamin Griffiths"
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Schreiner T, Griffiths BJ, Kutlu M, et al. (2024) Spindle-locked ripples mediate memory reactivation during human NREM sleep. Nature Communications. 15: 5249
Griffiths BJ, Schreiner T, Schaefer JK, et al. (2024) Electrophysiological signatures of veridical head direction in humans. Nature Human Behaviour
Griffiths BJ, Jensen O. (2023) Gamma oscillations and episodic memory. Trends in Neurosciences. 46: 832-846
Kerrén C, van Bree S, Griffiths BJ, et al. (2022) Phase separation of competing memories along the human hippocampal theta rhythm. Elife. 11
Griffiths BJ, Zaehle T, Repplinger S, et al. (2022) Rhythmic interactions between the mediodorsal thalamus and prefrontal cortex precede human visual perception. Nature Communications. 13: 3736
Griffiths BJ, Martín-Buro MC, Staresina BP, et al. (2021) Disentangling neocortical alpha/beta and hippocampal theta/gamma oscillations in human episodic memory formation. Neuroimage. 118454
Griffiths BJ, Martín-Buro MC, Staresina BP, et al. (2021) Alpha/beta power decreases during episodic memory formation predict the magnitude of alpha/beta power decreases during subsequent retrieval. Neuropsychologia. 153: 107755
Griffiths BJ, Mayhew SD, Mullinger KJ, et al. (2019) Alpha/beta power decreases track the fidelity of stimulus-specific information. Elife. 8
Griffiths BJ, Parish G, Roux F, et al. (2019) Directional coupling of slow and fast hippocampal gamma with neocortical alpha/beta oscillations in human episodic memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Griffiths BJ, Fuentemilla L. (2019) Event conjunction: How the hippocampus integrates episodic memories across event boundaries. Hippocampus
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