Ubadah Sabbagh, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2016-2021 | Neuroscience | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States |
2021- | Brain and Cognitive Sciences | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States |
molecular neurobiology, development, synapses, thalamocortical circuitsWebsite:
"Ubadah Sabbagh"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Cross-listing: FlyTree
Sign in to add mentorMichael A. Fox | grad student | 2016-2021 | Virginia Tech |
Guoping Feng | post-doc | 2021- | MIT |
Gerald J. Wyckoff | research scientist | 2013-2015 | University of Missouri-Kansas City (FlyTree) |
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Sabbagh U, Govindaiah G, Somaiya RD, et al. (2020) Diverse GABAergic neurons organize into subtype-specific sublaminae in the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. Journal of Neurochemistry |
Rasmussen R, Sabbagh U. (2020) Neural Polyamory: One Cell Forms Meaningful Connections with Hundreds of Partners. Cell Systems. 10: 381-383 |
Su J, Charalambakis NE, Sabbagh U, et al. (2020) Retinal inputs signal astrocytes to recruit interneurons into visual thalamus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Sabbagh U, Monavarfeshani A, Su K, et al. (2018) Distribution and development of molecularly distinct perineuronal nets in visual thalamus. Journal of Neurochemistry |
Monavarfeshani A, Sabbagh U, Fox MA. (2017) Not a one-trick pony: Diverse connectivity and functions of the rodent lateral geniculate complex. Visual Neuroscience. 34: E012 |
Monavarfeshani A, Knill CN, Sabbagh U, et al. (2017) Region- and Cell-Specific Expression of Transmembrane Collagens in Mouse Brain. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 11: 20 |
Stroud C, Dmitriev I, Kashentseva E, et al. (2016) A One Health overview, facilitating advances in comparative medicine and translational research. Clinical and Translational Medicine. 5: 26 |
Sabbagh U, Mullegama S, Wyckoff GJ. (2016) Identification and Evolutionary Analysis of Potential Candidate Genes in a Human Eating Disorder. Biomed Research International. 2016: 7281732 |