Peter Winn

History Tufts University, Boston 
"Peter Winn"
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Winn P. (2018) Dictatorships and the Worlds of Work in the Southern Cone: Argentina, Brazil and Chile International Labor and Working-Class History. 93: 5-7
Winn P. (2012) Global Labor History: The future of the Field? International Labor and Working-Class History. 82: 85-91
Winn P. (2010) Frank Tannenbaum Reconsidered: Introduction International Labor and Working-Class History. 77: 109-114
Stillerman J, Winn P. (2007) Introduction: New studies/new organizations; labor organization in Latin America and beyond International Labor and Working-Class History. 72: 2-17
Winn P. (2006) Recent Documentary Films on Latin American Workers International Labor and Working-Class History. 70: 159-164
Stillerman J, Winn P. (2006) Introduction: Globalization and the Latin-American workplace International Labor and Working-Class History. 70: 1-10
Winn P. (2004) History and Perspectives of the Left International Labor and Working-Class History. 65: 161-165
Winn P. (1995) Utopia Unarmed: The Latin American Left after the Cold War. By Jorge G. Castaneda. (New York: Knopf, 1993. viii, 498 pp. $27.50, ISBN 0-394-58259-4.) The Journal of American History. 82: 373-373
Winn P, Falcoff M. (1991) Modern Chile, 1970-1989: A Critical History Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 21: 723
Winn P. (1991) Marxism and Democracy in Chile. From 1932 to the Fall of Allende . By Julio Faúndez. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988. Pp. xi, 305. Notes. Index. $25.00.) Americas. 47: 519-521
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