Melanie S. Hill

Psychology University of Akron, Akron, OH, United States 
"Melanie Hill"
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Carbone SL, Guillen M, Ramirez JJ, et al. (2020) 'I feel like a person has a right to use a product to protect themselves…. Sexual Health
Hill MS, Jensen AC, Coyne SM, et al. (2020) Look Who's Talking: Mediums of Contact Among Mid-to Later-Life Siblings. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 91415020912956
Lu CF, Vargas SE, Guillen M, et al. (2019) A Qualitative Study of the Contraceptive Effect on Women's Sexual Experiences: Beyond Hormonal Effects. Obstetrics and Gynecology
Ruckel L, Hill M. (2017) Look @ Me 2.0: Self-Sexualization in Facebook Photographs, Body Surveillance and Body Image Sexuality and Culture. 21: 15-35
McArdle KA, Hill MS. (2009) Understanding body dissatisfaction in gay and heterosexual men: The roles of self-esteem, media, and peer influence. Men and Masculinities. 11: 511-532
Chavis AZ, Hill MS. (2009) Integrating multiple intersecting identities: A multicultural conceptualization of the power and control wheel Women and Therapy. 32: 121-149
Grippo KP, Hill MS. (2008) Self-objectification, habitual body monitoring, and body dissatisfaction in older European American women: exploring age and feminism as moderators. Body Image. 5: 173-82
Hill MS, Fischer AR. (2008) Examining objectification theory: Lesbian and heterosexual women's experiences with sexual- and self-objectification Counseling Psychologist. 36: 745-776
McKay KM, Hill MS, Freedman SR, et al. (2007) Towards a feminist empowerment model of forgiveness psychotherapy. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). 44: 14-29
Tylka TL, Hill MS. (2004) Objectification theory as it relates to disordered eating among college women Sex Roles. 51: 719-730
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