Liat Sayfan
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of California, Davis, Davis, CA |
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Kennedy K, Lagattuta KH, Sayfan L. (2015) Sibling composition, executive function, and children's thinking about mental diversity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 132: 121-39 |
Kramer HJ, Lagattuta KH, Sayfan L. (2015) Why is happy-sad more difficult? Focal emotional information impairs inhibitory control in children and adults. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 15: 61-72 |
Hansen Lagattuta K, Sayfan L, Harvey C. (2014) Beliefs about thought probability: evidence for persistent errors in mindreading and links to executive control. Child Development. 85: 659-74 |
Lagattuta KH, Sayfan L. (2013) Not all past events are equal: Biased attention and emerging heuristics in children's past-to-future forecasting Child Development. 84: 2094-2111 |
Lagattuta KH, Sayfan L, Bamford C. (2012) Do you know how I feel? Parents underestimate worry and overestimate optimism compared to child self-report Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 113: 211-232 |
Lagattuta KH, Sayfan L, Monsour M. (2011) A new measure for assessing executive function across a wide age range: Children and adults find happy-sad more difficult than day-night Developmental Science. 14: 481-489 |
Lagattuta KH, Sayfan L. (2011) Developmental changes in children's understanding of future likelihood and uncertainty Cognitive Development. 26: 315-330 |
Lagattuta KH, Sayfan L, Blattman AJ. (2010) Forgetting common ground: Six- to seven-year-olds have an overinterpretive theory of mind Developmental Psychology. 46: 1417-1432 |
Sayfan L, Lagattuta KH. (2009) Scaring the monster away: What children know about managing fears of real and imaginary creatures Child Development. 80: 1756-1774 |
Sayfan L, Mitchell EB, Goodman GS, et al. (2008) Children's expressed emotions when disclosing maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect. 32: 1026-36 |