David J Hayes

2013-2015 Neurosurgery University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"David Hayes"
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Zhong J, Chen DQ, Hung PSP, et al. (2018) Multivariate Pattern Classification of Brain White Matter Connectivity Predicts Classic Trigeminal Neuralgia. Pain
Chen DQ, Zhong J, Hayes DJ, et al. (2016) Merged Group Tractography Evaluation with Selective Automated Group Integrated Tractography. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 10: 96
Duncan NW, Hayes DJ, Wiebking C, et al. (2015) Negative childhood experiences alter a prefrontal-insular-motor cortical network in healthy adults: A preliminary multimodal rsfMRI-fMRI-MRS-dMRI study. Human Brain Mapping
Hayes DJ, Lipsman N, Chen DQ, et al. (2015) Subcallosal Cingulate Connectivity in Anorexia Nervosa Patients Differs From Healthy Controls: A Multi-tensor Tractography Study. Brain Stimulation. 8: 758-68
Rosen A, Chen DQ, Hayes DJ, et al. (2015) A Neuroimaging Strategy for the Three-Dimensional in vivo Anatomical Visualization and Characterization of Insular Gyri. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. 93: 255-264
Chen DQ, DeSouza DD, Hayes DJ, et al. (2015) Diffusivity signatures characterize trigeminal neuralgia associated with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)
Chen DQ, Strauss I, Hayes DJ, et al. (2015) Age-related changes in diffusion tensor imaging metrics of fornix subregions in healthy humans. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. 93: 151-9
Hayes DJ, Duncan NW, Xu J, et al. (2014) A comparison of neural responses to appetitive and aversive stimuli in humans and other mammals. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 45: 350-68
Wiebking C, Duncan NW, Tiret B, et al. (2014) GABA in the insula - a predictor of the neural response to interoceptive awareness. Neuroimage. 86: 10-8
Wiebking C, Duncan NW, Qin P, et al. (2014) External awareness and GABA--a multimodal imaging study combining fMRI and [18F]flumazenil-PET. Human Brain Mapping. 35: 173-84
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