Jason D. Riddle, Ph.D.

2007 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 
Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Ecology Biology
"Jason Riddle"
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Chris Moorman grad student 2007 NCSU
 (Maximizing the impact of field borders for quail and early-succession songbirds: What's the best design for implementation?)
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Richardson BL, Cava JA, Thiel RP, et al. (2017) Winter Space Partitioning of Woodpeckers and Nuthatches in Wisconsin Northeastern Naturalist. 24
Mahoney KR, Russell KR, Mark Ford W, et al. (2016) Woodland salamander responses to a shelterwood harvest-prescribed burn silvicultural treatment within Appalachian mixed-oak forests Forest Ecology and Management. 359: 277-285
Celis Murillo A, Deppe J, Riddle J, et al. (2014) An experimental evaluation of the performance of acoustic recording systems for estimating avian species richness and abundance The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 136: 2276-2276
Shake CS, Moorman CE, Riddle JD, et al. (2012) Influence Of Patch Size And Shape On Occupancy By Shrubland Birds The Condor. 114: 268-278
Riddle JD, Pollock KH, Simons TR. (2010) An Unreconciled Double-Observer Method for Estimating Detection Probability and Abundance The Auk. 127: 841-849
Riddle JD, Mordecai RS, Pollock KH, et al. (2010) Effects of prior detections on estimates of detection probability, abundance, and occupancy Auk. 127: 94-99
Riddle JD, Stanislav SJ, Pollock KH, et al. (2010) Separating components of the detection process with combined methods: An example with northern bobwhite Journal of Wildlife Management. 74: 1319-1325
Riddle JD, Moorman CE, Pollock KH. (2008) The importance of habitat shape and landscape context to northern bobwhite populations Journal of Wildlife Management. 72: 1376-1382
Riddle JD, Moorman CE, Pollock KH. (2008) A comparison of methods for estimating northern bobwhite covey detection probabilities Journal of Wildlife Management. 72: 1437-1442
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