Eva Chadnova, MSc

McGill Vision Research McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
vision, human vision, psychophysics, MEG, masking, amblyopia
"Eva Chadnova"
Mean distance: 15.08 (cluster 29)
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Chadnova E, Reynaud A, Clavagnier S, et al. (2021) Author Correction: Short-term monocular occlusion produces changes in ocular dominance by a reciprocal modulation of interocular inhibition. Scientific Reports. 11: 7443
Richard B, Chadnova E, Baker DH. (2018) Binocular vision adaptively suppresses delayed monocular signals. Neuroimage
Chadnova E, Reynaud A, Clavagnier S, et al. (2017) Interocular interaction of contrast and luminance signals in human primary visual cortex. Neuroimage
Chadnova E, Reynaud A, Clavagnier S, et al. (2017) Latent binocular function in amblyopia. Vision Research
Chadnova E, Reynaud A, Clavagnier S, et al. (2017) Short-term monocular occlusion produces changes in ocular dominance by a reciprocal modulation of interocular inhibition. Scientific Reports. 7: 41747
Chadnova E, Reynaud A, Clavagnier S, et al. (2016) Dichoptic imbalance of luminance affects the phase component of steady-state MEG signals Journal of Vision. 16: 433
Richard B, Chadnova E, Baker D. (2016) Dichoptic imbalance of luminance and its effects on the phase component of steady-state EEG signals Journal of Vision. 16: 431
Chadnova E, Reynaud A, Clavagnier S, et al. (2015) Short-term ocular dominance changes in human V1. Journal of Vision. 15: 378
Chadnova E, Reynaud A, Clavagnier S, et al. (2014) Dynamics of dichoptic masking in the primary visual cortex Bmc Neuroscience. 15
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