Damith Chinthana Ranasinghe, Ph.D

2007 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 
"Damith Ranasinghe"
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Gao Y, Su Y, Xu L, et al. (2019) Lightweight (Reverse) Fuzzy Extractor With Multiple Reference PUF Responses Ieee Transactions On Information Forensics and Security. 14: 1887-1901
Su Y, Gao Y, Chesser M, et al. (2019) SecuCode: Intrinsic PUF Entangled Secure Wireless Code Dissemination for Computational RFID Devices Ieee Transactions On Dependable and Secure Computing. 1-1
Kim J, Nili H, Truong ND, et al. (2019) Nano-Intrinsic True Random Number Generation: A Device to Data Study Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 66: 2615-2626
Nguyen CC, Ranasinghe DC, Al-Sarawi S. (2018) Electret-based microgenerators under sinusoidal excitations: an analytical modeling Smart Structures and Systems. 21
Kim J, Ahmed T, Nili H, et al. (2018) A Physical Unclonable Function With Redox-Based Nanoionic Resistive Memory Ieee Transactions On Information Forensics and Security. 13: 437-448
Gao Y, Ma H, Al-Sarawi SF, et al. (2018) PUF-FSM: A Controlled Strong PUF Ieee Transactions On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 37: 1104-1108
Sun M, Al-Sarawi SF, Ashenden P, et al. (2017) A Fully Integrated Hybrid Power Management Unit for Passive UHF RFID in 130-nm Process Ieee Journal of Radio Frequency Identification. 1: 90-99
Nguyen CC, Ranasinghe DC, Al-Sarawi SF. (2017) Analytical modeling and optimization of electret-based microgenerators under sinusoidal excitations Microsystem Technologies
Gao Y, Ranasinghe DC, Al-Sarawi SF, et al. (2016) Emerging Physical Unclonable Functions With Nanotechnology Ieee Access. 4: 61-80
Gao Y, Kavehei O, Al-Sarawi SF, et al. (2016) Read operation performance of large selectorless cross-point array with self-rectifying memristive device Integration, the Vlsi Journal. 54: 56-64
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