Maria V. Falikman
Affiliations: | Lomonosov Moscow State University |
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"Maria Falikman"Mean distance: 22.51 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorValery Ya. Romanov | grad student | Lomonosov Moscow State University (PsychTree) |
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Gorbunova ES, Falikman MV. (2019) Visual Search for Letters in the Right Versus Left Visual Hemifields. Advances in Cognitive Psychology. 15: 75-88 |
Falikman M, Utochkin I, Markov Y, et al. (2019) Guided visual search in junior schoolchildren: Slow but sure Journal of Vision. 19: 117a |
Falikman M. (2017) Visual search in large letter arrays containing words: are words implicitly processed during letter search? Journal of Vision. 17: 76 |
Gorbunova ES, Falikman MV. (2012) The effect of "superiority of the word" and direction of spatial attention Voprosy Psikhologii. 106-114 |
Falikman MV. (2011) Word Superiority Effects Across the Varieties of Attention Journal of Russian & East European Psychology. 49: 45-61 |
Gorbunova ES, Falikman MV. (2011) The effect of superiority of the word in conditions of "attentional blink" Voprosy Psikhologii. 149-157 |
Gorbunova E, Falikman M. (2010) Word Superiority within the Attentional Blink Journal of Vision. 10: 203-203 |
Falikman MV. (2010) The word superiority effect in visual perception and attention Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal. 31: 32-40 |
Pechenkova EV, Falikman MV. (2001) The model of perceptual task accomplishment under conditions of rapid serial visual presentation Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal. 22: 102-103 |