Elmeri Syrjanen

Umeå University, Umeå, Västerbottens län, Sweden 
"Elmeri Syrjanen"
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Olofsson JK, Ekström I, Lindström J, et al. (2021) Corrigendum to: Smell-Based Memory Training: Evidence of Olfactory Learning and Transfer to the Visual Domain. Chemical Senses. 46
Syrjänen E, Fischer H, Liuzza MT, et al. (2021) A Review of the Effects of Valenced Odors on Face Perception and Evaluation. I-Perception. 12: 20416695211009552
Olofsson JK, Ekström I, Lindström J, et al. (2020) Smell-based memory training: Evidence of olfactory learning and transfer to the visual domain. Chemical Senses
Syrjänen E, Fischer H, Olofsson JK. (2019) Background odors affect behavior in a dot-probe task with emotionally expressive faces. Physiology & Behavior
Olofsson JK, Syrjänen E, Ekström I, et al. (2018) "Fast" versus "slow" word integration of visual and olfactory objects: EEG biomarkers of decision speed variability. Behavioral Neuroscience
Syrjänen E, Wiens S, Fischer H, et al. (2018) Background Odors Modulate N170 ERP Component and Perception of Emotional Facial Stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 1000
Syrjänen E, Liuzza MT, Fischer H, et al. (2017) Do Valenced Odors and Trait Body Odor Disgust Affect Evaluation of Emotion in Dynamic Faces? Perception. 301006617720831
Wiens S, Syrjänen E. (2013) Directed attention reduces processing of emotional distracters irrespective of valence and arousal level. Biological Psychology. 94: 44-54
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