Veit Kubik

Umeå University, Umeå, Västerbottens län, Sweden 
"Veit Kubik"
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Opitz B, Kubik V. (2024) Far transfer of retrieval-practice benefits: rule-based learning as the underlying mechanism. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 9: 65
Aslan A, Kubik V. (2024) Buildup and release from proactive interference: The forward testing effect in children's spatial memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 240: 105838
Hausman H, Kubik V. (2023) Delayed Metacomprehension Judgments Do Not Directly Improve Learning from Texts. Journal of Intelligence. 11
Kubik V, Del Missier F, Mäntylä T. (2020) Spatial ability contributes to memory for delayed intentions. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 5: 36
Kubik V, Jönsson F, de Jonge M, et al. (2020) Author accepted manuscript: Putting Action into Testing: Enacted Retrieval Benefits Long-Term Retention more than Covert Retrieval. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1747021820945560
Kubik V, Jönsson FU, Knopf M, et al. (2018) The Direct Testing Effect Is Pervasive in Action Memory: Analyses of Recall Accuracy and Recall Speed. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 1632
Todorov I, Kubik V, Carelli MG, et al. (2018) Spatial offloading in multiple task monitoring Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 30: 230-241
Mäntylä T, Coni V, Kubik V, et al. (2017) Time takes space: selective effects of multitasking on concurrent spatial processing. Cognitive Processing. 18: 229-235
Tempel T, Kubik V. (2017) Test-potentiated learning of motor sequences. Memory (Hove, England). 25: 326-334
Jemstedt A, Kubik V, Jönsson FU. (2017) What moderates the accuracy of ease of learning judgments? Metacognition and Learning. 12: 337-355
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