Godon Atkins, PhD
Affiliations: | Biology | Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, United States |
Neuroethology, NeurophysiologyGoogle:
"Godon Atkins"Mean distance: 15.73 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorGerald S. Pollack | grad student | McGill | |
John Frederick Stout | research scientist | Andrews University |
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Navia B, Burden C, Steely T, et al. (2015) Parallel effects of temperature on the male cricket calling song, phonotaxis of the female and the auditory responses of the L3 neurone Physiological Entomology. 40: 113-122 |
Samuel L, Stumpner A, Atkins G, et al. (2013) Processing of model calling songs by the prothoracic AN2 neurone and phonotaxis are significantly correlated in individual female Gryllus bimaculatus Physiological Entomology. 38: 344-354 |
Choi R, Atkins G, Stout J. (2012) The effects of injecting Juvenile Hormone III into the prothoracic ganglion on phonotaxis by female crickets Gryllus bimaculatus Physiological Entomology. 37: 201-205 |
Stout J, Stumpner A, Jeffery J, et al. (2011) Response properties of the prothoracic AN2 auditory interneurone to model calling songs in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus Physiological Entomology. 36: 343-359 |
Stout J, Navia B, Jeffery J, et al. (2010) Plasticity of the phonotactic selectiveness of four species of chirping crickets (Gryllidae): Implications for call recognition Physiological Entomology. 35: 99-116 |
Atkins G, Kilmer J, Scalfani M, et al. (2008) Modulation of syllable period-selective phonotaxis by prothoracic neurones in crickets (Acheta domesticus): Juvenile hormone, picrotoxin and photoinactivation of the ON1 neurones Physiological Entomology. 33: 322-333 |
Jeffery J, Navia B, Atkins G, et al. (2005) Selective processing of calling songs by auditory interneurons in the female cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus: possible roles in behavior. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part a, Comparative Experimental Biology. 303: 377-92 |
Bronsert M, Bingol H, Atkins G, et al. (2003) Prolonged response to calling songs by the L3 auditory interneuron in female crickets (Acheta domesticus): possible roles in regulating phonotactic threshold and selectiveness for call carrier frequency. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part a, Comparative Experimental Biology. 296: 72-85 |
Navia B, Stout J, Atkins G. (2003) Prolonged response to calling songs by the L3 auditory interneuron in female crickets (Acheta domesticus): intracellular evaluation. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part a, Comparative Experimental Biology. 296: 63-71 |
Stout J, Hao J, Kim P, et al. (1998) Regulation of the phonotactic threshold of the female cricket, Acheta domesticus: Juvenile hormone III, allatectomy, L1 auditory neuron thresholds and environmental factors Journal of Comparative Physiology - a Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 182: 635-645 |