Keith S. Richards

Geography University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
"Keith Richards"
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He S, Richards K. (2017) Kobresia meadow degradation and its impact on water status Ecohydrology. 10
He S, Richards K. (2016) Stable isotopes in monsoon precipitation and water vapour in Nagqu, Tibet, and their implications for monsoon moisture Journal of Hydrology. 540: 615-622
Qin Y, Curmi E, Kopec GM, et al. (2015) China's energy-water nexus - assessment of the energy sector's compliance with the "3 Red Lines" industrial water policy Energy Policy. 82: 131-143
He S, Richards K. (2015) Impact of Meadow Degradation on Soil Water Status and Pasture Management-A Case Study in Tibet Land Degradation and Development. 26: 468-479
Song C, Huang B, Ke L, et al. (2014) Seasonal and abrupt changes in the water level of closed lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for climate impacts Journal of Hydrology. 514: 131-144
Khan A, Richards KS, Parker GT, et al. (2014) How large is the Upper Indus Basin? The pitfalls of auto-delineation using DEMs Journal of Hydrology. 509: 442-453
Song C, Huang B, Ke L, et al. (2014) Remote sensing of alpine lake water environment changes on the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings: A review Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 92: 26-37
Bithell M, Richards KS, Bithell EG. (2014) Simulation of scree-slope dynamics: Investigating the distribution of debris avalanche events in an idealized two-dimensional model Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 39: 1601-1610
Keylock CJ, Lane SN, Richards KS. (2014) Quadrant/octant sequencing and the role of coherent structures in bed load sediment entrainment Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 119: 264-286
Curmi E, Richards K, Fenner R, et al. (2013) An integrated representation of the services provided by global water resources. Journal of Environmental Management. 129: 456-62
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