Harvey Moldofsky

Medical Science University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Harvey Moldofsky"
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Moldofsky H, Rothman L, Kleinman R, et al. (2016) Disturbed EEG sleep, paranoid cognition and somatic symptoms identify veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Bjpsych Open. 2: 359-365
Moldofsky H, Harris HW, Archambault WT, et al. (2011) Effects of bedtime very low dose cyclobenzaprine on symptoms and sleep physiology in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study. The Journal of Rheumatology. 38: 2653-63
Moldofsky H, Patcai J. (2011) Chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, depression and disordered sleep in chronic post-SARS syndrome; a case-controlled study. Bmc Neurology. 11: 37
Moldofsky H, Inhaber NH, Guinta DR, et al. (2010) Effects of sodium oxybate on sleep physiology and sleep/wake-related symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. The Journal of Rheumatology. 37: 2156-66
Bradley LA, Bennett R, Russell IJ, et al. (2010) Effect of duloxetine in patients with fibromyalgia: tiredness subgroups. Arthritis Research & Therapy. 12: R141
Moldofsky H. (2010) Rheumatic manifestations of sleep disorders. Current Opinion in Rheumatology. 22: 59-63
Moldofsky H. (2009) The significance of dysfunctions of the sleeping/waking brain to the pathogenesis and treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome. Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America. 35: 275-83
Moldofsky H. (2008) The significance of the sleeping-waking brain for the understanding of widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue in fibromyalgia syndrome and allied syndromes. Joint, Bone, Spine : Revue Du Rhumatisme. 75: 397-402
Moldofsky H. (2008) The significance, assessment, and management of nonrestorative sleep in fibromyalgia syndrome. Cns Spectrums. 13: 22-6
Moldofsky H. (2008) The Assessment and Significance of the Sleep/Waking Brain in Patients with Chronic Widespread Musculoskeletal Pain and Fatigue Syndromes Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain. 16: 37-48
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