Hae-Chang RIM, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Computer Science | Korea University, Seoul, South Korea |
"Hae-Chang RIM"Mean distance: 19.53 (cluster 8) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: MathTree
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Yang MC, Lee DG, Park SY, et al. (2015) Knowledge-based question answering using the semantic embedding space Expert Systems With Applications. 42: 9086-9104 |
Yang MC, Rim HC. (2014) Identifying interesting Twitter contents using topical analysis Expert Systems With Applications. 41: 4330-4336 |
Lee JT, Yang MC, Rim HC. (2014) Discovering high-quality threaded discussions in online forums Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 29: 519-531 |
Sohn D, Lee J, Han K, et al. (2012) Content-based mobile spam classification using stylistically motivated features Pattern Recognition Letters. 33: 364-369 |
Park K, Cho H, Rim H. (2011) Utilizing Various Natural Language Processing Techniques for Biomedical Interaction Extraction Journal of Information Processing Systems. 7: 459-472 |
Lee J, Seo J, Jeon J, et al. (2011) Sentence-based relevance flow analysis for high accuracy retrieval Journal of the Association For Information Science and Technology. 62: 1666-1675 |
Lee JY, Song YI, Rim H, et al. (2010) Incorporating Frame Information to Semantic Role Labeling Ieice Transactions On Information and Systems. 93: 201-204 |
Han K, Song Y, Kim S, et al. (2007) Answer extraction and ranking strategies for definitional question answering using linguistic features and definition terminology Information Processing and Management. 43: 353-364 |
Park K, Kim S, Rim H, et al. (2006) ME-based biomedical named entity recognition using lexical knowledge Acm Transactions On Asian Language Information Processing. 5: 4-21 |
Kim S, Han K, Rim H, et al. (2006) Some Effective Techniques for Naive Bayes Text Classification Ieee Transactions On Knowledge and Data Engineering. 18: 1457-1466 |