Menoua Keshishian

Electrical Engineering Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Menoua Keshishian"
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Norman-Haignere SV, Keshishian MK, Devinsky O, et al. (2024) Temporal integration in human auditory cortex is predominantly yoked to absolute time, not structure duration. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Keshishian M, Norman-Haignere SV, Mesgarani N. (2024) Understanding Adaptive, Multiscale Temporal Integration In Deep Speech Recognition Systems. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 34: 24455-24467
Mischler G, Raghavan V, Keshishian M, et al. (2023) naplib-python: Neural acoustic data processing and analysis tools in python. Software Impacts. 17
Mischler G, Raghavan V, Keshishian M, et al. (2023) naplib-python: Neural Acoustic Data Processing and Analysis Tools in Python. Arxiv
Keshishian M, Akkol S, Herrero J, et al. (2023) Joint, distributed and hierarchically organized encoding of linguistic features in the human auditory cortex. Nature Human Behaviour
Mischler G, Keshishian M, Bickel S, et al. (2022) Deep neural networks effectively model neural adaptation to changing background noise and suggest nonlinear noise filtering methods in auditory cortex. Neuroimage. 266: 119819
Keshishian M, Akbari H, Khalighinejad B, et al. (2020) Estimating and interpreting nonlinear receptive field of sensory neural responses with deep neural network models. Elife. 9
Keshishian M, Akbari H, Khalighinejad B, et al. (2020) Author response: Estimating and interpreting nonlinear receptive field of sensory neural responses with deep neural network models Elife
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