Francis Moody-Corbett
Affiliations: | Basic Medical Sciences | Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada |
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Fry M, Paterno G, Moody-Corbett F. (2001) Cloning and expression of three K+ channel cDNAs from Xenopus muscle Molecular Brain Research. 90: 135-148 |
Fry M, Moody-Corbett F. (1999) Localization of sodium and potassium currents at sites of nerve-muscle contact in embryonic Xenopus muscle cells in culture Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology. 437: 895-902 |
Hancock S, Moody-Corbett FL, Virgo NS. (1996) Potassium inward rectifier and acetylcholine receptor channels in embryonic Xenopus muscle cells in culture Journal of Neurobiology. 29: 354-366 |
Moody-Corbett FL, Virgo NS. (1993) Acetylcholine reduces the slow calcium current in embryonic skeletal muscle cells in culture PflüGers Archiv European Journal of Physiology. 424: 25-29 |
Moody-Corbett F, Gilbert R. (1992) A K<sup>+</sup> current in Xenopus muscle cells which shows inactivation Neuroreport. 3: 153-156 |
Moody-Corbett F, Gilbert R. (1992) Two classes of potassium currents in xenopus muscle cells in young cultures Neuroreport. 3: 319-322 |
Moody-Corbett F, Virgo NS. (1991) Exposure to nerve does not affect the appearance of calcium currents in embryonic muscle Neuroreport. 2: 437-440 |
Moody-Corbett F, Gilbert R. (1990) Inward rectifier potassium current on embryonic Xenopus muscle cells at different times in culture Developmental Brain Research. 55: 139-142 |
Moody-Corbett F, Gilbert R, Akbarali H, et al. (1989) Calcium current in embryonic Xenopus muscle cells in culture Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 67: 1259-1264 |
Moody-Corbett F, Brehm P. (1987) Acetylcholine reduces inward rectification on thymus-derived macrophage cells in culture. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 65: 348-51 |