Leland B. Yeager

Economics University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
"Leland Yeager"
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James Waterhouse Angell grad student 1952 Columbia (Econometree)
 (An Evaluation of Freely-fluctuating Exchange Rates)
Ragnar Nurkse grad student 1952 Columbia (Econometree)
 (An Evaluation of Freely-fluctuating Exchange Rates)


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Thomas D. Willett grad student 1967 UVA (PoliSci Tree)
Roger Koppl grad student 1985-1988 UVA
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Yeager LB. (2001) The Perils of Base Money The Review of Austrian Economics. 14: 251-266
Yeager LB. (1999) Should Austrians Scorn General-Equilibrium Theory? The Review of Austrian Economics. 11: 19-30
Yeager LB. (1997) Austrian Economics, Neoclassicism, and the Market Test Journal of Economic Perspectives. 11: 153-165
Yeager LB, Rabin AA. (1997) Monetary aspects of Walras's law and the stock-flow problem Atlantic Economic Journal. 25: 18-36
Koppl R, Yeager LB. (1996) Big players and herding in asset markets: The case of the Russian ruble Explorations in Economic History. 33: 367-383
Greenfield RL, Woolsey WW, Yeager LB. (1995) Is Indirect Convertibility Impossible? Comment Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 27: 293-297
Yeager LB. (1995) Tacit preachments are the worst kind Journal of Economic Methodology. 2: 1-33
Woolsey WW, Yeager LB. (1994) Is There a Paradox of Indirect Convertibility Southern Economic Journal. 61: 85
Yeager LB. (1992) The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism , by Joseph A. Schumpeter. Edited by and with an Introduction by Richard Swedberg. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 1991. Pp. viii, 492. $19.95 paperback, $59.50 cloth. ISBN 0-691-00383-1. Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 14: 118-121
Yeager LB, Glasner D. (1990) Free Banking and Monetary Reform Southern Economic Journal. 57: 279
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