Cedric Manesse

CRNL, CNRS, Lyon, France 
"Cedric Manesse"
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Sabiniewicz A, Schaefer E, Cagdas G, et al. (2021) Smells Influence Perceived Pleasantness but Not Memorization of a Visual Virtual Environment. I-Perception. 12: 2041669521989731
Manesse C, Fournel A, Bensafi M, et al. (2020) Visual priming influences olfactomotor response and perceptual experience of smells. Chemical Senses
Fournel A, Mantel M, Pinger M, et al. (2020) An experimental investigation comparing a surface plasmon resonance imaging-based artificial nose with natural olfaction Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 320: 128342
Licon CC, Manesse C, Dantec M, et al. (2018) Pleasantness and trigeminal sensations as salient dimensions in organizing the semantic and physiological spaces of odors. Scientific Reports. 8: 8444
Gellrich J, Han P, Manesse C, et al. (2017) Brain volume changes in hyposmic patients before and after olfactory training. The Laryngoscope
Manesse C, Ferdenzi C, Sabri M, et al. (2017) Dysosmia-Associated Changes in Eating Behavior Chemosensory Perception. 10: 104-113
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