Margaret R. Tarampi
Affiliations: | 2017- | Psychology | University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT, United States |
Space perception, Spatial cognition, Perspective takingWebsite:
"Margaret Tarampi"Mean distance: 17.79 (cluster 60) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorSarah H. Creem-Regehr | grad student | 2007-2013 | University of Utah | |
(Use of spatial transformations and reference frames: Individual differences in spatial ability.) | ||||
Mary Hegarty | post-doc | 2013-2015 | UC Santa Barbara |
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Creem-Regehr SH, Barhorst-Cates EM, Tarampi MR, et al. (2021) How can basic research on spatial cognition enhance the visual accessibility of architecture for people with low vision? Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 6: 3 |
Pilkiewicz KR, Lemasson BH, Rowland MA, et al. (2020) Decoding collective communications using information theory tools. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 17: 20190563 |
Whitaker MM, Pointon GD, Tarampi MR, et al. (2019) Expertise effects on the perceptual and cognitive tasks of indoor rock climbing. Memory & Cognition |
Tarampi MR, Heydari N, Hegarty M. (2016) A Tale of Two Types of Perspective Taking: Sex Differences in Spatial Ability. Psychological Science |
Tarampi MR, Geuss MN, Stefanucci JK, et al. (2014) A preliminary study on the role of movement imagery in spatial perception Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8684: 383-395 |
Rand KM, Tarampi MR, Creem-Regehr SH, et al. (2012) The influence of ground contact and visible horizon on perception of distance and size under severely degraded vision. Seeing and Perceiving. 25: 425-47 |
Rand KM, Tarampi MR, Creem-Regehr SH, et al. (2011) The importance of a visual horizon for distance judgments under severely degraded vision. Perception. 40: 143-54 |
Lessard DA, Tarampi MR, Geuss MN, et al. (2011) Overestimating action capabilities for passing through vertical and horizontal gaps under severely degraded vision F1000research. 11: 904-904 |
Rand K, Tarampi M, Thompson W, et al. (2011) The influence of object-ground contact on perception of distance and size under severely degraded vision Journal of Vision. 11: 79-79 |
Gagnon KT, Tarampi MR, Peyton MS, et al. (2011) Manipulating Embodiment in Imagined Spatial Perspective Taking Journal of Vision. 11: 77-77 |