Stefania Bracci

Brain & Cognition Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Vlaanderen, Belgium 
"Stefania Bracci"
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Op de Beeck H, Bracci S. (2023) Going after the bigger picture: Using high-capacity models to understand mind and brain. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 46: e404
Bracci S, Mraz J, Zeman A, et al. (2023) The representational hierarchy in human and artificial visual systems in the presence of object-scene regularities. Plos Computational Biology. 19: e1011086
Bracci S, Op de Beeck HP. (2022) Understanding Human Object Vision: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Representations. Annual Review of Psychology
Ritchie JB, Lee Masson H, Bracci S, et al. (2021) The unreliable influence of multivariate noise normalization on the reliability of neural dissimilarity. Neuroimage. 245: 118686
Zhang Z, Zeidman P, Nelissen N, et al. (2021) Neural Correlates of Hand-Object Congruency Effects during Action Planning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 33: 1487-1503
Matić K, Op de Beeck H, Bracci S. (2020) It's not all about looks: The role of object shape in parietal representations of manual tools. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 133: 358-370
Zeman AA, Ritchie JB, Bracci S, et al. (2020) Orthogonal Representations of Object Shape and Category in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Human Visual Cortex. Scientific Reports. 10: 2453
Bracci S, Ritchie JB, Kalfas I, et al. (2019) The ventral visual pathway represents animal appearance over animacy, unlike human behavior and deep neural networks. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Bracci S, Caramazza A, Peelen MV. (2018) View-invariant representation of hand postures in the human lateral occipitotemporal cortex. Neuroimage. 181: 446-452
bracci s, Kalfas I, Op de Beeck H. (2018) The ventral visual pathway represents animal appearance rather than animacy, unlike human behavior and deep neural networks Journal of Vision. 18: 552
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