Olivier Henaff

2015- New York University, New York, NY, United States 
"Olivier Henaff"
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Parthasarathy N, Hénaff OJ, Simoncelli EP. (2024) Layerwise complexity-matched learning yields an improved model of cortical area V2. Arxiv
Boundy-Singer ZM, Ziemba CM, Hénaff OJ, et al. (2024) How does V1 population activity inform perceptual certainty? Journal of Vision. 24: 12
Hénaff OJ, Bai Y, Charlton JA, et al. (2021) Primary visual cortex straightens natural video trajectories. Nature Communications. 12: 5982
Hénaff OJ, Boundy-Singer ZM, Meding K, et al. (2020) Representation of visual uncertainty through neural gain variability. Nature Communications. 11: 2513
Hénaff OJ, Goris RLT, Simoncelli EP. (2019) Author Correction: Perceptual straightening of natural videos. Nature Neuroscience
Hénaff OJ, Goris RLT, Simoncelli EP. (2019) Perceptual straightening of natural videos. Nature Neuroscience
Henaff O, Goris R, Simoncelli E. (2017) Perceptual straightening of natural video trajectories Journal of Vision. 17: 402
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