David Wilkinson

Developmental Neurobiology MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London, England, United Kingdom 
"David Wilkinson"
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McCallum S, Obata Y, Fourli E, et al. (2020) Enteric glia as a source of neural progenitors in adult zebrafish. Elife. 9
Moore S, Ribes V, Terriente J, et al. (2013) Distinct regulatory mechanisms act to establish and maintain Pax3 expression in the developing neural tube. Plos Genetics. 9: e1003811
Jacob J, Ribes V, Moore S, et al. (2013) A chemical-genetics approach to study the molecular pathology of central serotonin abnormalities in fetal valproate syndrome The Lancet. 381
Nikolaou N, Watanabe-Asaka T, Gerety S, et al. (2009) Lunatic fringe promotes the lateral inhibition of neurogenesis. Development (Cambridge, England). 136: 2523-33
Maroon H, Christiansen J, Wilkinson D, et al. (2001) POSTERS Expression analysis of a novel gene expressed in the otic placode of chickens Journal of Anatomy. 199: 217-227
Nieto MA, Sargent MG, Wilkinson DG, et al. (1994) Control of cell behavior during vertebrate development by Slug, a zinc finger gene Science. 264: 835-839
Sham MH, Vesque C, Nonchev S, et al. (1993) The zinc finger gene Krox20 regulates HoxB2 (Hox2.8) during hindbrain segmentation. Cell. 72: 183-96
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