Tessa Johung

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Tessa Johung"
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Johung T, Monje M. (2017) Neuronal activity in the glioma microenvironment. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 47: 156-161
Johung TB, Monje M. (2017) Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: New Pathophysiological Insights and Emerging Therapeutic Targets. Current Neuropharmacology. 15: 88-97
Johung T, Taylor K, Venkatesh H, et al. (2017) HGG-20. NEURONAL ACTIVITY PROMOTES PEDIATRIC GLIOMA INVASION Neuro-Oncology. 19: iv26-iv27
Grasso CS, Tang Y, Truffaux N, et al. (2015) Erratum: Functionally defined therapeutic targets in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. Nature Medicine. 21: 827
Grasso CS, Tang Y, Truffaux N, et al. (2015) Functionally defined therapeutic targets in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. Nature Medicine. 21: 555-9
Venkatesh HS, Johung TB, Caretti V, et al. (2015) Neuronal Activity Promotes Glioma Growth through Neuroligin-3 Secretion. Cell. 161: 803-16
Venkatesh H, Johung T, Caretti V, et al. (2015) Abstract LB-036: Neuronal activity-regulated secretion of neuroligin-3 promotes glioma growth Cancer Research. 75
Venkatesh H, Johung T, Caretti V, et al. (2015) Hg-04Neuronal Activity-Regulated Secretion Of Neuroligin-3 Promotes Glioma Growth Neuro-Oncology. 17
Grasso CS, Tang Y, Truffaux N, et al. (2015) BT-02 * FUNCTIONALLY-DEFINED THERAPEUTIC TARGETS IN DIFFUSE INTRINSIC PONTINE GLIOMA Neuro-Oncology. 17: iii3-iii3
Johung T, Venkatesh H, Caretti V, et al. (2014) Me-08Neurons Promote Glioma Growth In An Activity-Dependent Manner Neuro-Oncology. 16
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