Elad Levy, MD

2013- Neurosurgery State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
"Elad Levy"
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Nogueira RG, Lobsien D, Klisch J, et al. (2024) Thrombectomy With the pRESET vs Solitaire Stent Retrievers as First-Line Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama Neurology
Levy BR, Monteiro A, Raygor KP, et al. (2023) Visual Morbidity in Patients With Ophthalmic Segment Aneurysms Treated With Flow Diverters: A Dual-Center Experience. Neurosurgery
Housley SB, Turner RC, Bouslama M, et al. (2023) Expansion and Subsequent Rupture of Carotid Pseudoaneurysm After Tandem Carotid and Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Treated With Mechanical Thrombectomy and Carotid Stenting. Operative Neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.)
Baig AA, Lai PMR, Turner RC, et al. (2023) Hyperacute stenting and angioplasty for acute extracranial non-tandem internal carotid artery strokes within the first 48 h: A 20-year experience and a systematic review and meta-analysis. Interventional Neuroradiology : Journal of Peritherapeutic Neuroradiology, Surgical Procedures and Related Neurosciences. 15910199231164510
Lim J, Monteiro A, Jacoby WT, et al. (2023) Coiling Variations for Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: A Meta-Analytical Comparison of Comaneci-, Stent-, and Balloon-Coiling Assistance Techniques. World Neurosurgery
Baig AA, Waqas M, Turner RC, et al. (2023) A propensity score-matched comparative study of balloon guide catheters versus conventional guide catheters for concurrent mechanical thrombectomy with carotid stenting in tandem strokes: comparison of first pass effect, symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage, and 90-day functional outcomes. Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery
Housley SB, Monteiro A, Cappuzzo JM, et al. (2022) Salvage of Intraoperative Rupture of a Wide-Necked Middle Cerebral Artery Bifurcation Aneurysm: The Felt-Fenestrated Clipping Technique. Operative Neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.). 24: e57-e60
Housley SB, Cappuzzo JM, Waqas M, et al. (2022) Rescue of inadvertent superior sagittal sinus occlusion during middle meningeal artery embolization. Interventional Neuroradiology : Journal of Peritherapeutic Neuroradiology, Surgical Procedures and Related Neurosciences. 15910199221138152
Housley SB, Cappuzzo JM, Waqas M, et al. (2022) FRED flow diversion with LVIS protection of large posterior communicating artery aneurysm: the "FRELVIS" technique. Neurosurgical Focus: Video. 7: V4
Lim J, Cappuzzo JM, Waqas M, et al. (2022) Left ophthalmic segment internal carotid artery aneurysm treated with flow diversion in a child with Apert syndrome: technical note. Pediatric Neurosurgery
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