Sourav Banerjee
Affiliations: | National Brain Research Center (NBRC), Gurugram, Haryana, India |
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Sign in to add mentorTapas Kundu | grad student | National Brain Research Center (NBRC) | |
Kenneth Kosik | post-doc | UC Santa Barbara |
Sign in to add traineeUtsav Mukherjee | research assistant | 2017-2019 | National Brain Research Center, India |
Gourav Sharma | grad student | 2016-2023 | National Brain Research Center, India |
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Singh AK, Joshi I, Reddy NMN, et al. (2025) Epigenetic modulation rescues neurodevelopmental deficits in Syngap1 mice. Aging Cell. e14408 |
A S S, Singh AK, P R JL, et al. (2024) p300/CBP KATs Are Critical for Maturation and Differentiation of Adult Neural Progenitors. Acs Chemical Biology |
Liau WS, Zhao Q, Bademosi A, et al. (2023) Fear extinction is regulated by the activity of long noncoding RNAs at the synapse. Nature Communications. 14: 7616 |
Puri D, Sharma S, Samaddar S, et al. (2023) Muscleblind-1 interacts with tubulin mRNAs to regulate the microtubule cytoskeleton in C. elegans mechanosensory neurons. Plos Genetics. 19: e1010885 |
Sharma G, Banerjee S. (2022) Activity-regulated E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM47 modulates excitatory synapse development. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 15: 943980 |
Srinivasan B, Samaddar S, Mylavarapu SVS, et al. (2021) Homeostatic scaling is driven by a translation-dependent degradation axis that recruits miRISC remodeling. Plos Biology. 19: e3001432 |
Samaddar S, Banerjee S. (2021) Far from the nuclear crowd: Cytoplasmic lncRNA and their implications in synaptic plasticity and memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 107522 |
Jammalamadaka A, Banerjee S, Manjunath BS, et al. (2013) Statistical analysis of dendritic spine distributions in rat hippocampal cultures. Bmc Bioinformatics. 14: 287 |
Lee EJ, Banerjee S, Zhou H, et al. (2011) Identification of piRNAs in the central nervous system. Rna (New York, N.Y.). 17: 1090-9 |
Shi Y, Zhao X, Hsieh J, et al. (2010) MicroRNA regulation of neural stem cells and neurogenesis. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 30: 14931-6 |