Randy T. Lee

Department of Psychology Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
"Randy Lee"
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Joseph J. Campos research assistant 2015-2017 UC Berkeley (PsychTree)
Ozlem Ayduk research assistant 2014-2018 UC Berkeley
 (Research Assistant and Lab Manager)
Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton research assistant 2014-2018 UC Berkeley
 (Research Assistant and Lab Manager)
Vivian Zayas grad student 2018- Cornell (PsychTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Lee RT, Surenkok G, Zayas V. (2024) Mitigating the affective and cognitive consequences of social exclusion: an integrative data analysis of seven social disconnection interventions. Bmc Public Health. 24: 1250
Rosenfeld DL, Balcetis E, Bastian B, et al. (2021) Psychological Science in the Wake of COVID-19: Social, Methodological, and Metascientific Considerations. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 1745691621999374
Darling-Hammond S, Lee RT, Mendoza-Denton R. (2020) Interracial contact at work: Does workplace diversity reduce bias?: Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 136843022093263
Lee RT, Perez AD, Boykin CM, et al. (2019) On the prevalence of racial discrimination in the United States. Plos One. 14: e0210698
Zayas V, Sridharan V, Lee RT, et al. (2019) Addressing two blind spots of commonly used experimental designs: The Highly‐Repeated Within‐Person approach Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 13
Campos JJ, Camras LA, Lee RT, et al. (2018) A relational recasting of the principles of emotional competence European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 15: 711-727
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