Robert A. Wicklund, PHD
Affiliations: | 1976-1981 | social psychology | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
experimental social psychologyGoogle:
"Robert Wicklund"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeMichael Scheier | research assistant | 1973-1973 | UT Austin |
William Morris Bernstein | grad student | 1976-1981 | UT Austin |
melvin L. Snyder | grad student | 1976-1981 | UT Austin |
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Wicklund RA, Brehm JW. (2004) Internalization of multiple perspectives or dissonance reduction? Theory and Psychology. 14: 355-371 |
Steins G, Wicklund RA. (1996) Perspective-taking, conflict, and press: Drawing an E on your forehead Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 18: 319-346 |
Schiffmann R, Wicklund RA. (1992) The Minimal Group Paradigm and its Minimal Psychology:On Equating Social Identity with Arbitrary Group Membership Theory &Amp; Psychology. 2: 29-50 |
Wagner U, Shaigan S, Wicklund RA. (1990) Open Devaluation and Rejection of a Fellow Student: The Impact of Threat To a Self-Definition Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 11: 61-76 |
Wicklund RA, Eckert-Nowack M. (1989) The Ascription of Self-Knowledge as a Halo Effect Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 10: 355-370 |
Wicklund RA, Reuter T, Schiffmann R. (1988) Acting on Ideas: Appropriation to One’s Self Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 9: 13-31 |
Koller M, Wicklund RA. (1988) Press and task difficulty as determinants of preoccupation with person descriptors Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 24: 256-274 |
Wicklund RA, Braun OL. (1987) Incompetence and the Concern With Human Categories Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 53: 373-382 |
Stephenson B, Wicklund RA. (1984) The contagion of self-focus within a dyad Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 46: 163-168 |
Bernstein WM, Stephenson BO, Snyder ML, et al. (1983) Causal ambiguity and heterosexual affiliation Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 19: 78-92 |