Mary Beilby

Physics University of New South Wales (Australia), Kensington, New South Wales, Australia 
"Mary Beilby"
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Quade BN, Parker MD, Hoepflinger MC, et al. (2021) The molecular identity of the characean OH transporter: a candidate related to the SLC4 family of animal pH regulators. Protoplasma
Absolonova M, Beilby MJ, Sommer A, et al. (2018) Surface pH changes suggest a role for H/OH channels in salinity response of Chara australis. Protoplasma. 255: 851-862
Beilby MJ. (2015) Salt tolerance at single cell level in giant-celled Characeae. Frontiers in Plant Science. 6: 226
Beilby MJ, Al Khazaaly S, Bisson MA. (2015) Salinity-induced noise in membrane potential of Characeae Chara australis: effect of exogenous melatonin. The Journal of Membrane Biology. 248: 93-102
Al Khazaaly S, Beilby MJ. (2012) Zinc ions block H⁺/OH⁻ channels in Chara australis. Plant, Cell & Environment. 35: 1380-92
Beilby MJ, Bisson MA. (2012) PH banding in charophyte algae Plant Electrophysiology: Methods and Cell Electrophysiology. 247-271
Beilby MJ, Al Khazaaly S. (2009) The role of H(+)/OH(-) channels in the salt stress response of Chara australis. The Journal of Membrane Biology. 230: 21-34
Bisson MA, Beilby MJ. (2008) Transport systems of Ventricaria ventricosa: asymmetry of the hyper- and hypotonic regulation mechanisms. The Journal of Membrane Biology. 225: 13-25
Shepherd VA, Beilby MJ, Al Khazaaly SA, et al. (2008) Mechano-perception in Chara cells: the influence of salinity and calcium on touch-activated receptor potentials, action potentials and ion transport. Plant, Cell & Environment. 31: 1575-91
Beilby MJ, Shepherd VA. (2006) The characteristics of Ca -activated Cl- channels of the salt-tolerant charophyte Lamprothamnium. Plant, Cell & Environment. 29: 764-77
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