Fiona Pugin

University Hospital Zurich, Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland 
"Fiona Pugin"
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Furrer M, Jaramillo V, Volk C, et al. (2019) Sleep EEG slow-wave activity in medicated and unmedicated children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Translational Psychiatry. 9: 324
Mouthon AL, Meyer-Heim A, Kurth S, et al. (2017) High-Density Electroencephalographic Recordings During Sleep in Children and Adolescents With Acquired Brain Injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 1545968316688794
Mouthon AL, van Hedel HJ, Meyer-Heim A, et al. (2016) High-density electroencephalographic recordings during sleep in children with disorders of consciousness. Neuroimage. Clinical. 11: 468-75
Pugin F, Metz AJ, Wolf M, et al. (2015) Local increase of sleep slow wave activity after three weeks of working memory training in children and adolescents. Sleep. 38: 607-14
Lustenberger C, O'Gorman RL, Pugin F, et al. (2015) Sleep spindles are related to schizotypal personality traits and thalamic glutamine/glutamate in healthy subjects. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 41: 522-31
Pugin F, Metz AJ, Stauffer M, et al. (2014) Working memory training shows immediate and long-term effects on cognitive performance in children. F1000research. 3: 82
Metz AJ, Pugin F, Huber R, et al. (2014) Changes of cerebral tissue oxygen saturation at sleep transitions in adolescents. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 812: 279-85
Pugin F, Metz AJ, Stauffer M, et al. (2014) Working memory training shows immediate and long-term effects on cognitive performance in children and adolescents F1000research. 3: 82
Metz AJ, Pugin F, Huber R, et al. (2013) Brain tissue oxygen saturation increases during the night in adolescents. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 789: 113-9
Viola AU, Chellappa SL, Archer SN, et al. (2012) Interindividual differences in circadian rhythmicity and sleep homeostasis in older people: effect of a PER3 polymorphism. Neurobiology of Aging. 33: 1010.e17-27
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